What exactly is a whole food, plant based diet?  Well first off, it is not a “diet” in the terms that you may have come to know as ‘an on again, off again’, restriction of food.  It is more of a “diet” as in, ‘the diet of a bear is salmon and berries’.  Simply put, it is the kind of food that a person habitually eats.  This way of eating is long term…for life.

Whole plant foods consist of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds.  Meat and dairy can be considered ‘Whole Foods” by some, but they would not fall into the plant based category.  Refined and processed foods definitely do not either.

My recipes consist mostly of whole plant foods, as I believe that this is the best diet for optimal health, nutrition, and vitality.  This is the way that I myself eat most of the time. That being said, I do not always adhere perfectly to this diet.

I believe firmly in family traditions, customs, and simply JOY!  This means that if  we are sitting down to a Thanksgiving dinner, I may have some turkey.  If I am at my nephews graduation party, I may try a few bites of my sister’s famous Mac and cheese.  It also means that I may have a small slice of my daughter’s birthday cake to celebrate with her.  I don’t believe in putting such restrictions on food that it consumes your way of living and affects your joy and relationships negatively. Food is a blessing from God, and even “junk” foods can give us joy once in a while.  It is our habitual eating of them over and over again that turns a “treat” into a “threat” to our health and bodies.  It is our responsibility to treat our blessings with respect and not overindulge in the things that may not be the best, but also, not place food perfection on a pedestal that strangles out other important blessings of life.

For some, eating whole plant foods is an all the time 100% commitment.  I applaud those people.  For others, eating whole plant foods is something that they are working on incorporating more of in their everyday eating.  I applaud those people too.

No matter what kind of eater you are, my goal is to show you that fruits and vegetables are delicious! There are simply unlimited ways of preparing these foods, and it doesn’t have to be confusing or difficult!  Eating more plant foods can bring health, energy, and JOY when done right.

So my friends, stick with me and together we can all live a more healthy, vibrant life!






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