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About Me

Welcome to This Plantiful Life! If you’ve made it to my site, then you are already taking steps to living a more nutritious, healthy, and plentiful life!  I’m Lora, and I am the blogger behind This Plantiful Life.

A little about me…I am a teacher.  I’ve taught everything from multi grades and primary grades to middle school.  I currently teach part time art and Spanish to a wonderful little group of 5-8th graders.

I love food and cooking!  When I was able to stay at home with my own three little ones, I watched every Food Network show on television!  I made a new feast every day for dinner and loved to try my hand at desserts on the weekend.  

When I discovered that one could healthfully eat almost anything using only plants, I was astounded.  A whole new world of cooking opened up for me!  I got a certification in plant based nutrition from Cornell University, and took a little plant based cooking course online.  

I love creating and sharing recipes that are uniquely delicious and good for your health!  Plant based cooking is so diverse and always exciting and interesting.  Plus, I never have to count calories or worry about what I eat.  It’s all good!

Thanks for checking out my site.  Hopefully I can give you recipes that inspire you to eat more plants.  See you in the kitchen!



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